SCCP-31: Increase Commodity Fees
Author | |
Status | Implemented |
Type | Governance |
Implementor | TBD |
Release | TBD |
Discussions-To | <> |
Created | 2020-06-26 |
Simple Summary
Increase the fees on commodities to 30 bp in order to make front-running less likely.
As per sip-56 each synth can now have its own fee levels. This SCCP suggest to raise the fees on commodity synths back to 30 bp.
Fees were configured recently in sccp-24 however analysis of the data showed that front-running opportunities were more accessible. Increasing fees to 30 bp, should decrease the chance of front-running until sip-52 is implemented.
Thank you brian
for helping out the community and pointing it out.
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