SCCP-134: Reduce L2 Target C-Ratio To 900%
Author | |
Status | Implemented |
Type | Governance |
Implementor | TBD |
Release | TBD |
Discussions-To | |
Created | 2021-08-11 |
Simple Summary
Lower target c-ratio on L2 from 1000% to 900%
As laid out in SCCP 96, we intend to steadily reduce c-ratio as needed to minimize pain to stakers.
We observe that the peg on uniswap is ~1.04 synth-non synth. Furthermore, L2 debt has increased approximately 7% since the beginning of trading on L2. It is therefore desirable to provide a bit more synths to the system.
900% is chosen because there are still several significant risks in this early stage of the trading rollout. We are not yet ready for extremely high liquidity or synth supply on L2.
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